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What is the key to wellness?

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Hidden Truths About Obtaining Wellness Naturally.

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Researchers have found that spending time in nature strengthens a person’s immune system, reduces stress hormones, lowers blood pressure, and improves social interactions. Furthermore, it may improve learning and increase empathy.

Another line of provocative research suggests that inhaling or ingesting a common, non-harmful soil bacterium, Mycobacterium vaccae, in natural settings may activate brain chemicals whose effects are similar to antidepressants.


Further resedarch suggests that contact with the bacteria may even improve learning. As adults, perhaps we need to mimic our children’s instinctive behavior by getting out to play or walk in the dirt and make mud pies.

Become a Natural Holistic Health Practitioner Online

Distance Learning Holistic Health Education College offering quality affordable board certified educational programs in:

Foundations of Holistic Science Certificate (FHS)
Holistic Health Practitioner Diploma (HHP),
Master Herbalist Diploma (MH),
Nutritional Consultant Diploma (NC)
Ayurvedic Health Practitioner Diploma (AHP)

Source: How to Become a Natural Holistic Health Practitioner | Nutritional Healing and Cures, Wellness field – YouTube

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